Caliber has a great deal of experience operating and developing real estate across many different industries and states. In addition, we are always seeking opportunities to function as an equity partner on outside projects.
Caliber is in a position to be able to provide funding to other developers and commercial property owners through an outright purchase or joint venture. We know that each real estate deal is unique and are willing to create an appropriately customized ownership structure for every situation. Caliber will acquire single assets and/or portfolios, and we are willing to purchase discounted debt.
Because we typically close with cash and finance after the fact, we are a perfect partner for owners and assets that are either over-leveraged or mis-leveraged. Caliber is always excited to co-invest in a project with a local operating partner who has working knowledge of the asset, market, and industry.
In addition to recapitalizing stabilized assets, Caliber is always looking for new, unique projects that require an equity partner because of a lack of conventional financing. Because of our access to cash, Caliber is also an excellent option for a motivated seller due to liquidity needs.
14301 Caliber Drive, Ste 300 | Oklahoma City, OK 73134 | info@calibercompanies.com | Tel: 405.702.1570